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The horrors of war and the cost of living crisis have exposed all that is rotten about profit-driven capitalism. The bosses are billions richer, yet inequality is soaring, foodbank queues are getting longer and prices are at sky high levels.


We know it is the working class who society functioning throughout all of this chaos.

In the health and care services, supermarkets, transport, factories and a plethora of other work places.

We also know the bosses and politicians of all types will try to make us pay for the billions their economic crisis has cost.


WE SAY NO. We’re not going back to more attacks on our jobs, wages and public services.

​We demand a socialist recovery for the working class based on public ownership of the economy.

We say take the wealth from the billionaires and invest in job creation, pay rises and housing for all.


​And, we stand foursquare against war and all forms of racism and oppression.

If you agree, then use your vote to back the Scottish Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition and get involved!

About Us: About Us
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