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All our candidates are ordinary working class folk. They are socialists, Trade unionists and community campaigners. Scottish TUSC candidates will never vote for Austerity cuts  and unlike all of  the mainstream parties, will put the needs of their communities before the profits of the richest 1%. All TUSC candidates vehemently oppose imperialist wars.

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Meet Your Candidates: Welcome



Brian Smith was for 15 years until February this year the secretary of the 13,000-strong Glasgow City UNISON branch.

 Throughout that time Glasgow City UNISON has been, and continues to be, a living example of what militant trade unionism is all about.  The branch has an exemplary record of leading a whole series of strikes, including the equal pay strike in 2018, in defence of members interests on pay regrading and working conditions as well as in defence of services and against all cuts.


Brian has stood as a socialist candidate in Glasgow South/Cathcart in numerous Westminster and Holyrood elections, including in 2010, 2015 and 2016.  He headed up the Glasgow regional list for TUSC in the 2021 Scottish election.  Brian also stood in the 2011 Holyrood election on a joint list with George Galloway as part of the Coalition Against Cuts.  

Brian lives in Castlemilk in the Glasgow South constituency.

Meet Your Candidates: Team


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Chris Sermanni is the current branch secretary for Glasgow City UNISON and before that was the social work stewards convener.  Alongside Brian Smith and other Glasgow City UNISON activists, Chris has helped to build the branch into a model of fighting trade unionism.


Chris was the Scottish TUSC candidate for the Rutherglen and Hamilton West by-election in 2023. 

Meet Your Candidates: Team



Lucas Grant is the Scottish TUSC candidate for Aberdeen North.  Lucas, who is 24-years-old, was brought up in the Northfield area of the city and was the Scottish TUSC candidate for Aberdeen Donside in the Scottish parliament election in 2021 and also stood for the Northfield ward in the council elections in 2022.

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Meet Your Candidates: Team
Meet Your Candidates: Team


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Jim McFarlane is the branch secretary of Dundee City UNISON and is one of the city’s most well-known trade unionists.  During that time Jim has been to the forefront of opposing all cuts imposed by the administration and has been an active socialist since the Timex strike of 1993.

Jim was the socialist candidate in Dundee West for the Westminster elections in 2010 and 2015 and the Scottish TUSC candidate for Holyrood in 2011, 2016 and 2021.  

Jim lives in the Ardler area of the city which is part of the Dundee Central constituency

Meet Your Candidates: Text
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